I recently returned from a dive trip to the Maldives. Only the second trip where I took the camera under water. Armed with 2 high powered strobes I couldn't wait to hit the water and in my mind I was already taking countless photographs. The current had other ideas though. As the seawater presses through the narrow channels between rocks, islands and reefs it creates the fiercest currents right there where the pelagics swim. And of course that is where I wanted to be too!
Lifting up the camera under these circumstances is no mean feat and at the moment of aiming, holding the camera with two hands, the current would push me away and I had to swim against it to get back to my position. Still have a lot to learn out there in the blue before adding the tag "underwater photographer" to my cv.
In my mind I can see it, now I only need to find a way to conquer the currents, just like with anything else in life.
Not Here Anymore, Not Quite There Yet.
© Hans Kemp 2011